not the first, not the last

plums: not one, many. maroon, not red: small, shiny, smooth… tempted by face value, I bite, tongue meets flesh, luscious stains teeth…
seeds constrict breathing, juice erupts snakes: blood vomits out, gushing guts, the return of breathing, increases pain
immobility reigns, seared mind escapes, leaves deflated, hollow body. eyes feel presence; seek you seeing me, paying the price, of the unforbidden
leaves turn plastic, air recycled, pools muddy, sunshine black: I give up on me, in your eden, of lies
as gory as promised...
read somewhere: you will never truly understand a person until you understand her lies
It is not the you i know, who would say 'i give up on me,'
maybe its all a part of the ride, the package, the deal ... the dark and the light. the apple and the serpent. the nice and price ... i dunno ... someone said that to me recently.
thats why we need to evaluate carefully before we bite ... think of the costs, hidden and stated and consequential ... and think about whether we want to pay, whether its worth it, and whether we can afford to pay
but u shudnt give up. however dark it is, maybe reaching out and communicating would blow away some cobweb of misunderstanding which maybe blocking the rader
sometimes people hurt us bcz they have been hurt and are too proud or hurt or confused to come out and say it
sometimes everything cant be said
sometimes people on the run just wanna be tripped up and thrown to the ground and stopped
and maybe sometimes, its just not worth all that trouble ...
If you are feeling like this all the time then maybe it's high time you need to change something. Discard something/one or embrace something/one new.Dont know if you have already done it but that doesnt seem to be working.
dont give up.
it will breed depression.
and depression is anger without ambition.
yahan itna andhera kyon hai?
very nice by itself. but.. um.. does injustice to the pics
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