We walked into each others lives at a time of dire need, saved each other from pain and loneliness, flowered together, blossomed and outshone all other relationships. And then the situation changed, the reasons we had met over, moved on... we found ourselves stranded: actors in the wrong play, mouthing the wrong lines, bumping into props which weren’t supposed to be there. Till you figured out your way into the new play, leaving me adrift, unable to let go, afraid I might need your help in another time and space, when yet again you might be the only one who would understand. The memories have dried up, the hope has shriveled; I still wait, covered in dead skin, clinging on to our expired friendship…
Welcome back.
was about to say you need closure... but then it doesn't really deliver nearly as much as it promises...
so guess i will just remind you of that line from adaptation: You are what you love, not what loves you...
let go i guess.
you may just feel huge relief...i know i did...but then each one is different too.
if the need to cling is sill present then has the friendship really expired?
let go and if you cant then may you should actively work towards reviving the relationship
Easy come, easy go i suppose.
If the changing seasons killed it, it wasn't worth it anyway then.
move on to the next.
Was it fiction or real? Either way, beautifully written!
Beautifully expressed!! Touched a chord.
You were always good and will remain so...writer I mean
remember bargad ka paed? roots hang dried up, shriveled, loose...with only monkey's swinging from it...and one day, they hit the ground, dig deep, and form a new trunk, a new adhaar...so, nothing is wasted, nothing is dead...just hope in hibernation, waiting for the right grounds...
a friend
it is the reality of good friendship gone bad ... sad but true that it is indeed happening....
came back to read this. you said it so well. its not about words but the feelings. you know life sometimes reminds me of send in the clowns. its a romantic song but i find it applies in different ways to so many different relationships as well. read an decades old letter from a college friend today. she'd telling me so much, and i missed it all. perhaps its a matter of time and patience? perhaps we sometimes think of friendship, of relationships as too restricted in space and time? perhaps there's a time to let go and wait, and still be okay - come back or not. perhaps, as someone who loved me a lot when i was a child used to say, we keep saying love is selfless but actually its very selfish, because where we love we cling, and where we cling we cling out of need and hunger
or maybe thats just me
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