Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nobody cares. Whatever you do. However good you are. It doesn’t really matter. We are all playing out our own karma game. Others come and go. The game remains ours. Nobody else’s. We deceive ourselves, pretend that they care. They pretend it matters. But that is all that there is to it. Unless you make a difference to who they are, what they want, who they want to be, they don’t really care. It all boils down to morphing yourself into something that will take them closer to their own nirvana, when Shaw of the George Bernad types said something about the toughest surviving, he knew what he was talking about. It is all about who will make my survival easier: who will take me closer to my dream, make my dream come true. Ask yourself, you will come back with the same answer. The rest is an illusion we will sell to another, make it part of their dream but never ever ours: coz we are selfish, are self-centered, we will continue to see the world thru our own lens and no one else’s. That is the way of the world, which is the way we are DNAed. Try and do what u will, how much ever conditioning, how much ever this and how much ever that. We will remain the self obsessed. The question about who will you give the last life jacket to is still answered by the one who will remember you the most. Not about anything else, never about anything else.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger justme said...

We are all playing out our own karma game- very true. this is one of the key laws of nature.

but when you say- Nobody cares:- dont fully agree.. and feel that there are different kinds who:-
- care but are helpless
- care but cant express it enough
- appreciate you, your thoughts, your plight but it is u who havent been able to identify them- this too is a result of your karma..

the past of which is not in our hands.. but the future definately is.

faith and prayer is the key

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard of unconditional love. Mother's unconditional love to the kid.

One could argue, but the love actually makes her happy and guess what that makes her selfish.

And what about the concept of 'us'. The joy of seeing a smaile on someone elses face. That doesn't exist. Does it?

This hole (yes hole) argument is self-defeating.

I think maybe it represents a temporary state of mind.

Hope thats what it is. What would life mean otherwise.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger nowheregirl said...

Yes, people care. They care about other people, they care about what they believe, they care about issues not directly related to them.

What Justme says is true. Sometimes they cant master up enough courage to say at. Sometimes they don’t say it enough or show exactly how much they care. But believe you me: they care.

And not because they want something in return. Not because they are getting something out of it. No wait, they do get something out of it. It makes them feel happy, it makes them feel good about themselves. It makes them feel worthwhile. It makes them feel glad that you are in their lives and in whatever way they make a difference in your life.

Does that make them selfish? If yes, then aren’t we all guilty of that sin? And that includes you too. Think.

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a 2 way process you know.
do you care?
about anything, anyone?

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah! so it has happened. thats what i was wondering last time: how long

At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shhhhh!!! I care!

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the swings are too rapid.

from ecstacy to dejection. ecstacy i hope.

...sooner than later.

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch. the pressure of expectations.

thats what gives way. doesn't it?

And most times too easily.

Hmmm...the search for peace has to be with the self.

the forgiveness has to begin with the i.

and then hash... then... will life get better

and the people too.

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nailed it dude.

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so totally true... :)

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't project yourself on others

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Prerona said...

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At 4:14 PM, Blogger Prerona said...

WoW! thats the biggest collection of anonymous comments I have ever seen! i think i'm gonna get jealous ... just kidding! glad to see ur so popular :)

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Prerona said...

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At 4:14 PM, Blogger Prerona said...

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At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree there are times when the people who matter the most are the ones who help us realise our dreams/the highest vision we have of ourselves.Talk about cosmic connections,they are there in our lives to help us seek what we aim to achieve.There is a joy that one derives from being there for someone to realise their dream. It's not a crutch, sometimes we mistake support as being a crutch therefore 'handicapping'ourselves. Unconditional love is what dreams are made of, and it exsists...I know that it does for sure. Past experiences make us cynical about people's role in our lives but there in lies the road to self discovery.
I love the line that says " The question about who will give you the last life jacket....:)

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if nobody cared we would not have been this old and living....what if some of them care with a little bit of selfishness ...and what is wrong with that?!?!? and don't you and me also do the same with some of them...but at the same time are unselfish with some.Human beings have multiple emotions ...and it uses all of's with what degree he uses which emotion that makes him different from the other.


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