I take the little known routes, I duck, I feint, I hide, I peep, I try to think of the myriad ways I can shake you off. I cant see you but I keep feeling your presence. Once in a while a dart comes and land itself just left of my head: it was meant to miss, meant to remind me that u are still around and quite good at what you do. Hope they say keeps even the weakest alive and I am only unfit. So I keep running. The sneakers give way, the socks tear, the skin blisters but I block out the pain: the effort will be worth it, if only I can outrun you.
I don't want what you offer: your lies, your ego plays, your manipulations, your smokescreens, I abhor them. The illusions you paint make me want to puke. But as fast as I might be, as hard as I might run, about the time I reach the end of my tether, the end of my physical and mental capacity, I feel your warm breathing on my nape, my nose recognizes your putrid odor.
I turn to see and before I can get an eyeful, I feel the thwack! of your hand on my face, a jolt of electricity goes through my scalp and a nanosecond later I hear the sound of my body tumbling onto the floor. The rest of my brain has gone into shock, not wanting to face up to the inevitable, my eyes want to remain unfocussed trying it best to not make sense. And then u kick and this time I hear the crunch before I feel the blood spurt somewhere inside me. I stop.
I give up. I try and hide my head in denial, you wont let me, you make me look into your eyes and accept you. You make me take you in. You make me re-adjust my head so that you aren't uncomfortable. This time it looks you are staying forever.