Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
not the first, not the last

plums: not one, many. maroon, not red: small, shiny, smooth… tempted by face value, I bite, tongue meets flesh, luscious stains teeth…
seeds constrict breathing, juice erupts snakes: blood vomits out, gushing guts, the return of breathing, increases pain
immobility reigns, seared mind escapes, leaves deflated, hollow body. eyes feel presence; seek you seeing me, paying the price, of the unforbidden
dance with me
multiplying heart beats, frenetic barters, flickering light, deafening screams, masking sneers, eyeballs dripping, innocence blurred vision, blood in dried veins, gripping vice like, canine teeth, refusing to let go, lucifer’s cross, bone weary, pulls down, slows up, sinking soul, sucked out, exhausted end…
Thursday, June 01, 2006

today i am going to be your new friend
using techniques, learnt, over time, experience and more like you
name, career, family, life, heart, mind
probe & find, uncover, open closets
a little at first, more later, ultimately all
i smile, you feel relieved to have got the grade
after a long time, made it through, qualified
You close your eyes, in relief, missing the steel in mine
Little realizing, your purpose is over, you were just a means
Having met the objective, I am moving on, to the end
You look askance, reality crashes in, our meeting’s over
I walkout, without a second glance, at respondent no.7